Cleavage Under Target & Tagmentation (CUT&Tag®)是一种新兴的DNA-蛋白质互作研究方法。CUT&Tag® 以融合了protein A/G 的Tn5 转座酶为核心,融合蛋白通过protein A/G 与抗体结合,使得Tn5 被栓系在靶位点周围,从而在目的位点附近进行酶切反应,并同时引入二代测序所必需的接头序列,产物DNA 经过后续提取与PCR 扩增后,得到直接用于测序的文库。CUT&Tag®与传统的ChIP-Seq 技术相比较,实验不需要超声打断,也不需要传统的连接法添加测序接头,操作简单、周期短、信噪比高、重复性好、细胞用量少,为极低起始细胞量和单细胞测序研究提供了可能性。自 2019 年 CUT&Tag 技术诞生以来,经过大量的实践,发现该技术在组蛋白修饰及部分转录因子与 DNA 互作研究中可以获得高信噪比的结果,但是针对一些与 DNA 结合力较弱或者结合具有高度动态性的 DNA 结合蛋白,较难得到理想的实验结果。针对此问题,近岸蛋白开发了可对细胞进行高浓度甲醛交联的CUT&Tag实验流程。为转录因子 -DNA 互作研究提供一种新的思路,这种需要甲醛交联的CUT&Tag实验被称为fcCUT&Tag(formaldehyde crosslinking CUT&Tag)。NovoNGS® CUT&Tag® 4.0 High-Sensitivity Kit (for Illumina)试剂盒包含常规非交联细胞CUT&Tag及甲醛交联细胞fcCUT&Tag实验中所需的各种缓冲液、ConA磁珠、DNA纯化磁珠、引物等全套建库试剂,可以用于组蛋白修饰和转录因子的染色质结合状态研究。与传统的CUT&Tag试剂盒相比,该试剂盒既可以对自然状态的细胞进行蛋白质-DNA互作研究,也可以对高浓度甲醛交联的细胞进行蛋白质-DNA互作研究,一盒两用。试剂盒包含CUT&Tag® 实验中孵育抗体、转座体、构建文库的相关试剂,可以用于组蛋白修饰和转录因子的染色质结合状态研究。本试剂盒包含高活性的ChiTag® pAG-Tn5, 相较于最初版本的pA-Tn5 转座酶,pAG结构域对兔、鼠等多种来源抗体具有广谱的强亲和性,在实验抗体的选择上具有更大的空间。针对CUT&Tag®打断产物DNA 提取过程中小片段丢失的问题,本试剂盒提供优化的Tagment DNA Extract Beads, 相较于常规的片段分选磁珠可以完整的回收CUT&Tag® 产物中的小片段DNA, 大大简化了酚氯仿-乙醇沉淀法的繁琐操作。此外,本试剂盒还提供了阳性抗体H3K4me3(兔抗)以及相应的二抗(羊抗兔IgG) ,用于阳性对照实验(仅B 包装提供阳性抗体)。 DNA-Target Protein-Antibody-ChiTag®结合示意图 CUT&Tag 4.0 实验流程简图 产品用途DNA-蛋白质互作研究。在常见的哺乳动物细胞上用于替代传统的ChIP-Seq 技术,特别适用于细胞数量较少的样本,也可应用于经过处理的植物和酵母样本上。保存条件详见说明书产品组成详见说明书应用数据表明:高浓度甲醛交联后,转录因子的下机数据peak数更多,TSS热图呈现结果更富集。 数据表明:高浓度甲醛交联后,转录因子的下机数据背景更低,信噪比更高,结果更易于后续数据分析。 结果表明:近岸蛋白CUT&Tag试剂盒能够兼容不同细胞量的CUT&Tag实验,且下机数据重复性好,信噪比高。 仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。Novoprotein是苏州近岸蛋白质科技股份有限公司的注册商标。请访问我们的注册商标页面。其他商标是其他所有者的财产。相关产品E161:Library Preparation NovoNGS® Multiplex Oligos set 1 for Illumina® M002:T4 Polynucleotide KinaseN239:NovoNGS® Index Kit for Illumina® 更多 采购支持信息产品咨询定制服务技术支持
产品描述第一链cDNA合成预混液是以mRNA或者总RNA为模板,高效合成第一链cDNA。本产品含有反转录反应所需的全部试剂(NovoScript® II Reverse Transcriptase,RNase Inhibitor,Oligo(dT)18,Random N6,dNTPs)。反应时只需要加入RNA模板和水即可,操作简单,降低操作过程中的污染。制品中含有去基因组成分gDNA Purge,以RNA为模板进行cDNA第一链合成时,可以同步去除基因组DNA污染,反应结束后,75℃加热5分钟,就可以失活反转录酶,RNA酶抑制剂。合成的第一链cDNA能直接用于PCR或荧光定量PCR的模板,第二链cDNA的合成或线性RNA扩增,也可用于需要用带有放射性或非放射性核苷酸标记第一链cDNA的实验。产品特点1)本制品采用耐高温逆转录酶,大幅提高热稳定性和cDNA合成效率;2)本制品中添加的NovoScript® II Reverse Transcriptase无RNase H活性,可避免第一链cDNA合成过程中,RNA/DNA杂交模板链中RNA降解,保证cDNA合成的质量;3)本制品中Random N6和Oligo(dT)18引物比例经过优化,可均匀合成样品中的cDNA;4)本制品中含有去基因组成分,逆转录时可同步去除基因组DNA污染。保存条件-20℃。注意事项1)用DEPC处理实验用到的所有实验器材,或者购买已经证明无核酸酶的实验用具,实验过程戴手套并经常更换手套,避免RNA酶的污染。2)确保所用试剂中无RNA酶污染。3)试剂盒要严格密封保存。在逆转录过程中,所有管子要确保扣严。4)纯化过的RNA必须保证不含有盐,金属离子,乙醇和苯酚,以上成分会干扰第一链cDNA的合成反应。可采用乙醇沉淀RNA的方法去除掉痕量污染物。5)为保证逆转录反应的有效进行,需使用高质量的RNA模板。6)当模板含量较低或后续PCR扩增片段过长时可以适当延长逆转录时间。7)2×NovoScript® Plus 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix、gDNA Purge及2×NovoScript® Plus No RT Control含有甘油,使用前请充分混匀后并短暂离心收集至管底再进行使用。仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
产品描述第一链cDNA合成预混液是以mRNA或者总RNA为模板,高效合成第一链cDNA。本产品含有反转录反应所需的全部试剂(NovoScript® II Reverse Transcriptase,RNase Inhibitor,Oligo(dT)18,Random N6,dNTPs)。反应时只需要加入RNA模板和水即可,操作简单,降低操作过程中的污染。制品中含有去基因组成分gDNA Purge,以RNA为模板进行cDNA第一链合成时,可以同步去除基因组DNA污染,反应结束后,75℃加热5分钟,就可以失活反转录酶,RNA酶抑制剂。合成的第一链cDNA能直接用于PCR或荧光定量PCR的模板,第二链cDNA的合成或线性RNA扩增,也可用于需要用带有放射性或非放射性核苷酸标记第一链cDNA的实验。产品特点1)本制品采用耐高温逆转录酶,大幅提高热稳定性和cDNA合成效率;2)本制品中添加的NovoScript® II Reverse Transcriptase无RNase H活性,可避免第一链cDNA合成过程中,RNA/DNA杂交模板链中RNA降解,保证cDNA合成的质量;3)本制品中Random N6和Oligo(dT)18引物比例经过优化,可均匀合成样品中的cDNA;4)本制品中含有去基因组成分,逆转录时可同步去除基因组DNA污染。保存条件-20℃。注意事项1)用DEPC处理实验用到的所有实验器材,或者购买已经证明无核酸酶的实验用具,实验过程戴手套并经常更换手套,避免RNA酶的污染。2)确保所用试剂中无RNA酶污染。3)试剂盒要严格密封保存。在逆转录过程中,所有管子要确保扣严。4)纯化过的RNA必须保证不含有盐,金属离子,乙醇和苯酚,以上成分会干扰第一链cDNA的合成反应。可采用乙醇沉淀RNA的方法去除掉痕量污染物。5)为保证逆转录反应的有效进行,需使用高质量的RNA模板。6)当模板含量较低或后续PCR扩增片段过长时可以适当延长逆转录时间。7)2×NovoScript® Plus 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix、gDNA Purge及2×NovoScript® Plus No RT Control含有甘油,使用前请充分混匀后并短暂离心收集至管底再进行使用。仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
产品描述本制品是采用SYBR Green I嵌合荧光法进行Real Time PCR的专用试剂。预混液中已经将DNA聚合酶、精心优化的反应Buffer、dNTPs、SYBR Green I等试剂预混在一起,是一种2×浓度的预混型试剂,进行实验时,PCR反应液的配制十分简单方便。本制品使用新型抗体修饰的HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶,并结合精心优化的反应Buffer,具有更高的扩增灵敏度,反应特异性和扩增效率,能够在更宽广的范围内进行准确定量。产品特点高灵敏度:Novoprotein精心配制的RealTime PCR专用2×SuperMix,具有更高的扩增灵敏度和扩增效率。高特异性:采用新型工艺制备抗体修饰的HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶,无需热启动即可进行PCR反应,大大提高PCR扩增的特异性。快捷:PCR反应所必需试剂集于一管之中,数分钟即可完成反应体系配制。保存条件-20℃避光储存。如需在一段时间内经常取用,可在2~8℃条件下储存3个月。避免反复多次冻融。质量控制纯度检测:所有组分经检测均无核酸内切酶残留、核酸外切酶残留、核酸残留。使用建议使用:请上下颠倒轻轻混合均匀,避免起泡,并经轻微离心后使用。反应液的配制、分装请使用新的(无污染的)枪头、Microtube等,避免污染。建议反应体积为20~50μl。引物设计:一般为了增加灵敏度及扩增效率且抑制非特异性反应,扩增目标序列越短越好。建议设计成200bp以下。仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
产品描述本制品是采用SYBR Green I嵌合荧光法进行Real Time PCR的专用试剂。预混液中已经将DNA聚合酶、精心优化的反应Buffer、dNTPs、SYBR Green I等试剂预混在一起,是一种2×浓度的预混型试剂,进行实验时,PCR反应液的配制十分简单方便。本制品使用新型抗体修饰的HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶,并结合精心优化的反应Buffer,具有更高的扩增灵敏度,反应特异性和扩增效率,能够在更宽广的范围内进行准确定量。产品特点高灵敏度:Novoprotein精心配制的RealTime PCR专用2×SuperMix,具有更高的扩增灵敏度和扩增效率。高特异性:采用新型工艺制备抗体修饰的HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶,无需热启动即可进行PCR反应,大大提高PCR扩增的特异性。快捷:PCR反应所必需试剂集于一管之中,数分钟即可完成反应体系配制。保存条件-20℃避光储存。如需在一段时间内经常取用,可在2~8℃条件下储存3个月。避免反复多次冻融。质量控制纯度检测:所有组分经检测均无核酸内切酶残留、核酸外切酶残留、核酸残留。使用建议使用:请上下颠倒轻轻混合均匀,避免起泡,并经轻微离心后使用。反应液的配制、分装请使用新的(无污染的)枪头、Microtube等,避免污染。建议反应体积为20~50μl。引物设计:一般为了增加灵敏度及扩增效率且抑制非特异性反应,扩增目标序列越短越好。建议设计成200bp以下。仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
产品描述本制品是采用SYBR Green I嵌合荧光法进行Real Time PCR的专用试剂。预混液中已经将DNA聚合酶、精心优化的反应Buffer、dNTPs、SYBR Green I等试剂预混在一起,是一种2×浓度的预混型试剂,进行实验时,PCR反应液的配制十分简单方便。本制品使用新型抗体修饰的HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶,并结合精心优化的反应Buffer,从而有效抑制低温下的非特异性扩增,提高反应特异性和扩增效率,能够在更宽广的范围内进行准确定量。产品特点高特异性:采用新型工艺制备抗体修饰的HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶,无需热启动即可进行PCR反应,大大提高PCR扩增的特异性。高效:Novoprotein精心配制的RealTime PCR专用2×SuperMix,具有更高的扩增效率和扩增灵敏度。快捷:PCR反应所必需试剂集于一管之中,数分钟即可完成反应体系配制。保存条件-20℃避光储存。如需在一段时间内经常取用,可在2~8℃条件下储存3个月。避免反复多次冻融。质量控制纯度检测:所有组分经检测均无核酸内切酶残留、核酸外切酶残留、核酸残留。使用建议使用:请上下颠倒轻轻混合均匀,避免起泡,并经轻微离心后使用。反应液的配制、分装请使用新的(无污染的)枪头、Microtube等,避免污染。建议反应体积为20~50μl。引物设计:一般为了增加灵敏度及扩增效率且抑制非特异性反应,扩增目标序列越短越好。建议设计成200bp以下。仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
产品描述本制品是采用 SYBR Green I 嵌合荧光法进行快速 Real Time PCR 的 2×浓度预混型试剂,PCR 反应液的配制十分简单方便。本制品使用突变型 Taq DNA 聚合酶,结合精心优化的反应 Buffer,可有效抑制低温下的非特异性扩增,实现快速 PCR 反应,并且能够在宽广的范围内对靶基因进行准确、快速、可重复的定量检测。产品特点快速:实现快速荧光定量,相较于传统 qPCR,反应时间减少 50%左右;保存条件-20℃避光储存,避免反复冻融。使用建议使用:请上下颠倒轻轻混合均匀,避免起泡,并经轻微离心后使用。反应液的配制、分装请使用新的(无污染的)枪头、Microtube等,避免污染。建议反应体积为20~50μl。仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。Novoprotein是苏州近岸蛋白质科技股份有限公司的注册商标。请访问我们的注册商标页面。其他商标是其他所有者的财产。
产品描述本制品是采用 SYBR Green I 嵌合荧光法进行快速 Real Time PCR 的 2×浓度预混型试剂,PCR 反应液的配制十分简单方便。本制品使用突变型 Taq DNA 聚合酶,结合精心优化的反应 Buffer,可有效抑制低温下的非特异性扩增,实现快速 PCR 反应,并且能够在宽广的范围内对靶基因进行准确、快速、可重复的定量检测。产品特点快速:实现快速荧光定量,相较于传统 qPCR,反应时间减少 50%左右;保存条件-20℃避光储存,避免反复冻融。使用建议使用:请上下颠倒轻轻混合均匀,避免起泡,并经轻微离心后使用。反应液的配制、分装请使用新的(无污染的)枪头、Microtube等,避免污染。建议反应体积为20~50μl。仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。Novoprotein是苏州近岸蛋白质科技股份有限公司的注册商标。请访问我们的注册商标页面。其他商标是其他所有者的财产。
产品描述Cleavage Under Target & Tagmentation (CUT&Tag®)是一种新兴的DNA-蛋白质互作研究方法。CUT&Tag® 以融合了protein A/G 的Tn5 转座酶为核心,融合蛋白通过protein A/G 与抗体结合,使得Tn5 被栓系在靶位点周围,从而在目的位点附近进行酶切反应,并同时引入二代测序所必需的接头序列,产物DNA 经过后续提取与PCR 扩增后,得到直接用于测序的文库。CUT&Tag®与传统的ChIP-Seq 技术相比较,实验不需要超声打断,也不需要传统的连接法添加测序接头,操作简单、周期短、信噪比高、重复性好、细胞用量少,为极低起始细胞量和单细胞测序研究提供了可能性。自 2019 年 CUT&Tag 技术诞生以来,经过大量的实践,发现该技术在组蛋白修饰及部分转录因子与 DNA 互作研究中可以获得高信噪比的结果,但是针对一些与 DNA 结合力较弱或者结合具有高度动态性的 DNA 结合蛋白,较难得到理想的实验结果。针对此问题,近岸蛋白开发了可对细胞进行高浓度甲醛交联的CUT&Tag实验流程。为转录因子 -DNA 互作研究提供一种新的思路,这种需要甲醛交联的CUT&Tag实验被称为fcCUT&Tag(formaldehyde crosslinking CUT&Tag)。NovoNGS® CUT&Tag® 4.0 High-Sensitivity Kit (for Illumina)试剂盒包含常规非交联细胞CUT&Tag及甲醛交联细胞fcCUT&Tag实验中所需的各种缓冲液、ConA磁珠、DNA纯化磁珠、引物等全套建库试剂,可以用于组蛋白修饰和转录因子的染色质结合状态研究。与传统的CUT&Tag试剂盒相比,该试剂盒既可以对自然状态的细胞进行蛋白质-DNA互作研究,也可以对高浓度甲醛交联的细胞进行蛋白质-DNA互作研究,一盒两用。试剂盒包含CUT&Tag® 实验中孵育抗体、转座体、构建文库的相关试剂,可以用于组蛋白修饰和转录因子的染色质结合状态研究。本试剂盒包含高活性的ChiTag® pAG-Tn5, 相较于最初版本的pA-Tn5 转座酶,pAG结构域对兔、鼠等多种来源抗体具有广谱的强亲和性,在实验抗体的选择上具有更大的空间。针对CUT&Tag®打断产物DNA 提取过程中小片段丢失的问题,本试剂盒提供优化的Tagment DNA Extract Beads, 相较于常规的片段分选磁珠可以完整的回收CUT&Tag® 产物中的小片段DNA, 大大简化了酚氯仿-乙醇沉淀法的繁琐操作。此外,本试剂盒还提供了阳性抗体H3K4me3(兔抗)以及相应的二抗(羊抗兔IgG) ,用于阳性对照实验(仅B 包装提供阳性抗体)。图1: DNA-Target Protein-Antibody-ChiTag®结合示意图 图2: CUT&Tag 实验流程简图 产品用途DNA-蛋白质互作研究。在常见的哺乳动物细胞上用于替代传统的ChIP-Seq 技术,特别适用于细胞数量较少的样本,也可应用于经过处理的植物和酵母样本上。保存条件详见说明书仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
产品描述Cleavage Under Target & Tagmentation (CUT&Tag®)是一种新兴的DNA-蛋白质互作研究方法。CUT&Tag® 以融合了protein A/G 的Tn5 转座酶为核心,融合蛋白通过protein A/G 与抗体结合,使得Tn5 被栓系在靶位点周围,从而在目的位点附近进行酶切反应,并同时引入二代测序所必需的接头序列,产物DNA 经过后续提取与PCR 扩增后,得到直接用于测序的文库。CUT&Tag®与传统的ChIP-Seq 技术相比较,实验不需要超声打断,也不需要传统的连接法添加测序接头,操作简单、周期短、信噪比高、重复性好、细胞用量少,为极低起始细胞量和单细胞测序研究提供了可能性。自 2019 年 CUT&Tag 技术诞生以来,经过大量的实践,发现该技术在组蛋白修饰及部分转录因子与 DNA 互作研究中可以获得高信噪比的结果,但是针对一些与 DNA 结合力较弱或者结合具有高度动态性的 DNA 结合蛋白,较难得到理想的实验结果。针对此问题,近岸蛋白开发了可对细胞进行高浓度甲醛交联的CUT&Tag实验流程。为转录因子 -DNA 互作研究提供一种新的思路,这种需要甲醛交联的CUT&Tag实验被称为fcCUT&Tag(formaldehyde crosslinking CUT&Tag)。NovoNGS® CUT&Tag® 4.0 High-Sensitivity Kit (for Illumina)试剂盒包含常规非交联细胞CUT&Tag及甲醛交联细胞fcCUT&Tag实验中所需的各种缓冲液、ConA磁珠、DNA纯化磁珠、引物等全套建库试剂,可以用于组蛋白修饰和转录因子的染色质结合状态研究。与传统的CUT&Tag试剂盒相比,该试剂盒既可以对自然状态的细胞进行蛋白质-DNA互作研究,也可以对高浓度甲醛交联的细胞进行蛋白质-DNA互作研究,一盒两用。试剂盒包含CUT&Tag® 实验中孵育抗体、转座体、构建文库的相关试剂,可以用于组蛋白修饰和转录因子的染色质结合状态研究。本试剂盒包含高活性的ChiTag® pAG-Tn5, 相较于最初版本的pA-Tn5 转座酶,pAG结构域对兔、鼠等多种来源抗体具有广谱的强亲和性,在实验抗体的选择上具有更大的空间。针对CUT&Tag®打断产物DNA 提取过程中小片段丢失的问题,本试剂盒提供优化的Tagment DNA Extract Beads, 相较于常规的片段分选磁珠可以完整的回收CUT&Tag® 产物中的小片段DNA, 大大简化了酚氯仿-乙醇沉淀法的繁琐操作。此外,本试剂盒还提供了阳性抗体H3K4me3(兔抗)以及相应的二抗(羊抗兔IgG) ,用于阳性对照实验(仅B 包装提供阳性抗体)。图1: DNA-Target Protein-Antibody-ChiTag®结合示意图图2: CUT&Tag 实验流程简图产品用途DNA-蛋白质互作研究。在常见的哺乳动物细胞上用于替代传统的ChIP-Seq 技术,特别适用于细胞数量较少的样本,也可应用于经过处理的植物和酵母样本上。保存条件详见说明书仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。Novoprotein是苏州近岸蛋白质科技股份有限公司的注册商标。请访问我们的注册商标页面。其他商标是其他所有者的财产。
Recombinant Human SHH 细胞因子 产品描述Recombinant Human Sonic Hedgehog is produced by our E.coli expression system and the target gene encoding Cys24-Gly197 is expressed.蛋白编号Q15465 产品别称Sonic Hedgehog Protein; SHH; HHG-1分子量19.69 KDa表观分子量19 KDa, reducing conditions剂型描述Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of 20mM PB, 100mM NaCl, 1mM DTT, pH 7.5.内毒素Less than 0.001 ng/µg (0.01 EU/µg) as determined by LAL test.纯度-SDS-PAGEGreater than 95% as determined by reducing SDS-PAGE. (QC verified) 复溶Always centrifuge tubes before opening.Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in distilled water.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-thaw cycles. 保存条件Lyophilized protein should be stored at ≤ -20°C, stable for one year after receipt.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 2-8°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at ≤ -20°C for 3 months.运输条件The product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature listed below.产品背景Sonic Hedgehog Homolog (SHH) belongs to a three-protein family called hedgehog. The other two family members are Indian Hedgehog (IHH) and Desert Hedgehog (DHH). Hedgehog proteins are key signaling molecules in embryonic development. SHH is expressed in various embryonic tissues and plays critical roles in regulating the patterning of many systems, such as limbs and brain. SHH also plays an important role in adult, including the division of adult stem cells and the development of certain cancers and other diseases. Human SHH is expressed as a 45kDa precursor, and undergoes a series of processing during secretion. After the removal of the signal peptide, a protease within the C-terminal domain catalyzes the cleavage of SHH into a 20 kDa N-terminal signaling domain (SHH-N) and a 25 kDa C-terminal domain (SHH-C). SHH-N has the “all signaling” capability. SHH-N binds to the 12 pass transmembrane protein Patched (Ptc) on cell surface, which releases the repression of the activity of Smoothened (Smo), a G-protein coupled receptor, by Ptc.仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。Novoprotein是苏州近岸蛋白质科技股份有限公司的注册商标。请访问我们的注册商标页面。其他商标是其他所有者的财产。
Recombinant Human FGF-10(Cat. No.:CR11) 该产品共有2篇文献引用 产品描述Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 is produced by our E.coli expression system and the target gene encoding Gln38-Ser208 is expressed.蛋白编号O15520 产品别称Fibroblast growth factor 10;FGF-10;Keratinocyte growth factor 2;FGF10;KGF-2;KGF2分子量19.5 KDa表观分子量19-22 KDa, reducing conditions剂型描述Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of 20mM Tris-HCl, 200mM NaCl, pH 8.0.内毒素Less than 0.001 ng/µg (0.01 EU/µg) as determined by LAL test.纯度-SDS-PAGEGreater than 95% as determined by reducing SDS-PAGE. 纯度-SEC-HPLCGreater than 95% as determined by SEC-HPLC. (Regularly tested) 生物活性-Cell Based AssayMouse Gastric organoids were cultured with EGF (Cat#C029), Wnt3a (Cat#C22R), Noggin (Cat#C028) , R-spondin 1 (Cat#CX83) and FGF-10 (Cat#CR11). The organoids showed good morphology. Mouse bile duct organoids were cultured with EGF (Cat#C029) , R-spondin 1 (Cat#CX83) ,FGF-10 (Cat#CR11) and HGF (Cat#CJ72). The organoids showed good morphology. 复溶Always centrifuge tubes before opening.Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in distilled water.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-thaw cycles. 保存条件Lyophilized protein should be stored at ≤ -20°C, stable for one year after receipt.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 2-8°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at ≤ -20°C for 3 months.运输条件The product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature listed below.产品背景Fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF-10, KGF-2), is a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family that includes FGF-3, -7, and -22. KGF-2 is secreted by mesenchymal cells and associates with extracellular FGF-BP. It preferentially binds and activates epithelial cell FGFR2 and interacts more weakly with FGFR1. It plays an important role in the regulation of embryonic development, cell proliferation and cell differentiation. It exhibits mitogenic activity for keratinizing epidermal cells, but essentially no activity for fibroblasts, which is similar to the biological activity of FGF7. FGF10 is required for normal branching morphogenesis. Defects in FGF10 are the cause of autosomal dominant aplasia of lacrimal and salivary glands (ALSG). ALSG has variable expressivity, and affected individuals may have aplasia or hypoplasia of the lacrimal, parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands and absence of the lacrimal puncta. The disorder is characterized by irritable eyes, recurrent eye infections, epiphora (constant tearing) and xerostomia (dryness of the mouth), which increases the risk of dental erosion, dental caries, periodontal disease and oral infections.仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
Recombinant Human RSPO1 (C-6His)(Cat. No.:CX83) 该产品共有5篇文献引用 产品描述Recombinant Human R-spondin-1 is produced by our Mammalian expression system and the target gene encoding Ser21-Ala263 is expressed with a 6His tag at the C-terminus.蛋白编号Q2MKA7 产品别称RSPO1; R-spondin1; RP11-566C13.1; CRISTIN3; FLJ40906; RSPO Rspo1; R-spondin; Rspondin; RP23-325M14.2; Roof plate-specific spondin-1分子量27.8 KDa表观分子量40 KDa, reducing conditions剂型描述Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of PBS, pH 7.4.内毒素Less than 0.01 EU/µg as determined by LAL test.纯度-SDS-PAGEGreater than 95% as determined by reducing SDS-PAGE. 生物活性-Cell Based AssayMeasured by its ability to induce Topflash reporter activity in HEK293T human embryonic kidney cells. The ED50 for this effect is 4.06 ng/ml. Mouse intestinal organoids were cultured with EGF (Cat#C029), Wnt3a (Cat#C22R), Noggin (Cat#C028) and R-spondin 1 (Cat#CX83). After five days of culture, the organoids showed good morphology and germination rate. Mouse Colon organoids were cultured with EGF (Cat#C029), Wnt3a (Cat#C22R), Noggin (Cat#C028) , and R-spondin 1 (Cat#CX83). The organoids showed good morphology. Mouse Gastric organoids were cultured with EGF (Cat#C029), Wnt3a (Cat#C22R), Noggin (Cat#C028) , R-spondin 1 (Cat#CX83) and FGF-10 (Cat#CR11). The organoids showed good morphology. Mouse bile duct organoids were cultured with EGF (Cat#C029) , R-spondin 1 (Cat#CX83) ,FGF-10 (Cat#CR11) and HGF (Cat#CJ72). The organoids showed good morphology. Human intestinal organoids (ipsc source) were cultured with Activin A(Cat#C687) , BMP-4(sample) , EGF (Cat#C029) , Wnt3a (Cat#C22R), Noggin (Cat#C028), R-spondin 1 (Cat#CX83) and FGF-4 (Cat#CR08) . The organoids showed good morphology. Human endometrial epithelial organoids were cultured with EGF (Cat#CH28) and R-spondin 1 (Cat#CX83). The organoids showed good morphology. Data were kindly provided by Novoprotein's customer. Thanks for her contribution. 复溶Always centrifuge tubes before opening.Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in distilled water.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-thaw cycles. 保存条件Lyophilized protein should be stored at ≤ -20°C, stable for one year after receipt.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 2-8°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at ≤ -20°C for 3 months.运输条件The product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature listed below.产品背景RSPO1 is a secreted protein,containing 2 FU(furin-like) repeats and 1 TSP type-1 domain and belonging to the R-spondin family. RSPO1 is required for the early development of gonads, regardless of sex. It has been found in mice only eleven days after fertilization. To induce cell proliferation, it acts synergistically with WNT4. They help stabilize β catenin, which activates downstream targets. RSPO1 is necessary in female sex development. It augments the WNT/β catenin pathway to oppose male sex development. In critical gonadal stages, between six and nine weeks after fertilization, the ovaries upregulate it while the testes downregulate it. RSPO1 can potentially aid in the treatment of mucositis, which is characterized by inflammation of the oral cavity. This unfortunate condition often accompanies chemotherapy and radiation in cancer patients with head and neck tumors.仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
Recombinant Human KGF(Cat. No.:CH73) 该产品共有1篇文献引用 产品描述Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 7/Keratinocyte Growth Factor is produced by our E.coli expression system and the target gene encoding Cys32-Thr194 is expressed.蛋白编号P21781 产品别称Fibroblast growth factor 7; FGF-7; Heparin-binding growth factor 7; HBGF-7; Keratinocyte growth factor; FGF7; KGF分子量18.9 KDa表观分子量17 KDa, reducing conditions剂型描述Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of 20mM Tris,1mM EDTA,5% Trehalose, 0.02% Tween 80, pH 8.0.内毒素Less than 0.1 ng/µg (1 EU/µg) as determined by LAL test.纯度-SDS-PAGEGreater than 95% as determined by reducing SDS-PAGE. (QC verified) 纯度-SEC-HPLCGreater than 95% as determined by SEC-HPLC. (Regularly tested) 复溶Always centrifuge tubes before opening.Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in distilled water.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-thaw cycles. 保存条件Lyophilized protein should be stored at ≤ -20°C, stable for one year after receipt.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 2-8°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at ≤ -20°C for 3 months.运输条件The product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature listed below.产品背景Fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF7) is a secreted protein which is mainly located in epithelial cells and belongs to the heparin-binding growth factors family. FGF family members possess broad mitogenic and cell survival activities, and are involved in a variety of biological processes, including embryonic development, cell growth, morphogenesis, tissue repair, tumor growth and invasion. FGF7 is a potent epithelial cell-specific growth factor, whose mitogenic activity is predominantly exhibited in keratinocytes but not in fibroblasts and endothelial cells. It is possible major paracrine effector of normal epithelial cell proliferation.仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
Recombinant Human PECAM-1 (C-6His)(Cat. No.:CS74) 产品描述Recombinant Human Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule is produced by our Mammalian expression system and the target gene encoding Gln28Lys601 is expressed with a 6His tag at the C-terminus.蛋白编号AAH51822.1 产品别称Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule; PECAM-1; EndoCAM; GPIIA; PECA1; CD31; PECAM1分子量65.3 KDa表观分子量75-110 KDa, reducing conditions剂型描述Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of PBS, 1mM EDTA, pH 7.4.内毒素 Less than 0.1 ng/µg (1 EU/µg) as determined by LAL test.复溶Always centrifuge tubes before opening.Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in distilled water.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-thaw cycles. 保存条件Lyophilized protein should be stored at ≤ -20°C, stable for one year after receipt.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 2-8°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at ≤ -20°C for 3 months.运输条件The product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature listed below.产品背景Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (PECAM1, CD31), is a heavily glycosylated transmembrane protein belonging to the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily of cell adhesion molecules. CD31 is composed of an extracellular domain (ECD) of 574 amino acids (aa) containing six Ig-like domains, a transmembrane domain, and a 118 aa cytoplasmic domain. CD31 is highly expressed on endothelial cells and at a lower level on platelets, granulocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, T and B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. It is involved in cell adhesion and is required for transepithelial migration of leukocytes (TEM). CD31 acts as a homophilic receptor through its extracellular domain and is involved in downstream signaling via its cytoplasmic domain. This domain contains highly conserved ITIM motifs which, once tyrosine phosphorylated, recruit and activate the signaling molecules Src and SHP2. The resulting inhibition of TCR signaling increases the activation threshold of T cells, thus reinforcing peripheral tolerance and preventing development of autoimmunity. CD31 additionally regulates immune responses by acting as a key inhibitory receptor in dendritic cell development. CD31 is required for the transendothelial migration of leukocytes through intercellular junctions of vascular endothelial cells.仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
Recombinant Mouse IL-4 (C-6His)(Cat. No.:CK74) 该产品共有24篇文献引用 产品描述Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-4 is produced by our Mammalian expression system and the target gene encoding His21-Ser140 is expressed with a 6His tag at the C-terminus.蛋白编号P07750 产品别称Interleukin-4; IL-4; IL4; B-cell IgG differentiation factor; B-cell growth factor 1; B-cell stimulatory factor 1; BSF-1; IGG1 induction factor; Lymphocyte stimulatory factor 1分子量14.6 KDa表观分子量15-19 KDa, reducing conditions剂型描述Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of 20mM PB, 150mM NaCl, pH 7.4.内毒素 Less than 0.1 ng/µg (1 EU/µg) as determined by LAL test.复溶Always centrifuge tubes before opening.Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in distilled water.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-thaw cycles. 保存条件Lyophilized protein should be stored at ≤ -20°C, stable for one year after receipt.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 2-8°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at ≤ -20°C for 3 months.运输条件The product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature listed below.产品背景Interleukin-4 (IL-4) is a pleiotropic cytokine that regulates diverse T and B cell responses including cell proliferation, survival and gene expression. IL-4 is produced by mast cells, T cells, and bone marrow stromal cells. IL-4 regulates the differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells into helper Th2 cells, characterized by their cytokine-secretion profile that includes secretion of IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-13, which favor a humoral immune response. Another dominant function of IL-4 is the regulation of immunoglobulin class switching to the IgG1 and IgE isotypes. Excessive IL-4 production by Th2 cells has been associated with elevated IgE production and allergic response.仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
Recombinant Mouse GM-CSF(Cat. No.:CK02) 该产品共有21篇文献引用 产品描述Recombinant Mouse Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor is produced by our E.coli expression system and the target gene encoding Ala18-Lys141 is expressed.蛋白编号P01587 产品别称Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; Csf2; GM-CSF; Colony-stimulating factor; Csfgm分子量14.2 KDa表观分子量15 KDa, reducing conditions剂型描述Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of 20mM Tris-HCl, 1mM EDTA, pH 8.0.内毒素Less than 0.001 ng/µg (0.01 EU/µg) as determined by LAL test.复溶Always centrifuge tubes before opening.Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in distilled water.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-thaw cycles. 保存条件Lyophilized protein should be stored at ≤ -20°C, stable for one year after receipt.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 2-8°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at ≤ -20°C for 3 months.运输条件The product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature listed below.产品背景Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) was initially characterized as a growth factorthat can support the in vitro colony formation of granulocyte-macrophage progenitors. It is produced by anumber of different cell types (including activated T cells, B cells, macrophages, mast cells, endothelial cellsand fibroblasts) in response to cytokine of immune and inflammatory stimuli. Besides granulocyte-macrophageprogenitors, GM-CSF is also a growth factor for erythroid, megakaryocyte and eosinophil progenitors. Onmature hematopoietic, monocytes/ macrophages and eosinophils. GM-CSF has a functional role on nonhematopoitic cells. It can induce human endothelial cells to migrate and proliferate. Additionally, GM-CSF canalso stimulate the proliferation of a number of tumor cell lines, including osteogenic sarcoma, carcinoma andadenocarcinoma cell lines.仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。
NovoStart SYBR qPCR SuperMix Plus试剂 该产品共有552篇文献引用 产品描述本制品是采用SYBR Green I嵌合荧光法进行Real Time PCR的专用试剂。预混液中已经将DNA聚合酶、精心优化的反应Buffer、dNTPs、SYBR Green I等试剂预混在一起,是一种2×浓度的预混型试剂,进行实验时,PCR反应液的配制十分简单方便。本制品使用新型抗体修饰的HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶,并结合精心优化的反应Buffer,从而有效抑制低温下的非特异性扩增,提高反应特异性和扩增效率,能够在更宽广的范围内进行准确定量。产品特点高特异性:采用新型工艺制备抗体修饰的HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶,无需热启动即可进行PCR反应,大大提高PCR扩增的特异性。高效:Novoprotein精心配制的RealTime PCR专用2×SuperMix,具有更高的扩增效率和扩增灵敏度。快捷:PCR反应所必需试剂集于一管之中,数分钟即可完成反应体系配制。保存条件-20℃避光储存。如需在一段时间内经常取用,可在2~8℃条件下储存3个月。避免反复多次冻融。质量控制纯度检测:所有组分经检测均无核酸内切酶残留、核酸外切酶残留、核酸残留。使用建议使用:请上下颠倒轻轻混合均匀,避免起泡,并经轻微离心后使用。反应液的配制、分装请使用新的(无污染的)枪头、Microtube等,避免污染。建议反应体积为20~50μl。引物设计:一般为了增加灵敏度及扩增效率且抑制非特异性反应,扩增目标序列越短越好。建议设计成200bp以下。仅供科研或生产使用,不可直接应用于人体。